Are you looking for a more affordable option?
We want to help people to find bikes that fit them, and people who have bikes standing, to let them go.
To sell a bike
Having your bike for show at our shop helps people to come in and see it within out opening hours. We can also do a service and change the parts that are worn out, as needed for the new owner.
To buy a bike
Come in and check out what is available. We have service, new parts and fun accessories available.
We can also help you to get the bike set up for you. Getting the right size and set up can be a hassle, and choosing a bike therefore difficult.

Scott Team CR1 Road Bike
A really nice road full carbon road bike in great condition
- 52 cm (S)
- Carbon Frame
- 105 group set
- Rim brakes
- Very light :)

Crescent Elis E-bike
Nice e-bike with very little wear marks. Ridden 224 km only! Like new.
High top tube makes the frame more effective for faster commutes.
Size: L-XL
The classic hybrid style geometry.
PRICE: 1400 €

Trek Dual Sport 8.4
Väl använd hybrid i funktionsdugligt skick. Service rekommenderas.
Strl: L
PRICE: 250 €